Protective Coating and Structural Waterproofing Systems
AdSeal Services is your top choice for waterproofing solutions in Carp, Ontario. Channeling experience in moisture protection for over 25 years, we specialize in protective applications for:
- Building Foundations
- Building Surfaces
- Foundation Walls
- Concrete Walls
Follow the Proactive Building Approach
Building foundations support the entire edifice and AdSeal applications coat surfaces with a membrane pivotal to providing long-term structural protection against the effects of moisture. This allows builders to complete code-compliant projects within the budget.
High-Quality, Specialty Coatings
When ground moisture is present near structural footings, this can seep into the concrete through capillary action. This can be prevented by applying specialty coatings to seal off moisture.
Focusing on proven-effective solutions whenever upgrading waterproofing systems also goes a long way.
Commercial Coatings and Crack Injections
Inclement weather and other harsh elements beating down on exposed hard surfaces cause cracks and potholes that deface once well-maintained pavements. AdSeal Services provides a full line of protective vehicular and pedestrian traffic coatings for:
- Parking Decks
- Podium Decks
- Pedestrian Walkways
- Storage/Parking Garages
- Protective coatings and structural waterproofing
- Concrete slab waterproofing
- Parking Structures

Ask for Recommendations
Consult with our coating and waterproofing specialists today and find ideal solutions to ensure long-term structural integrity.